Saturday, June 12, 2010

to fast or to feast...

I have been thinking.
The questions are: What I am going to do about getting so sick and being sick for longer periods each time I am sick?
How can being raw get bumped up a notch and still be fun?
I have been eating high raw for a few years now.
I used to live in the dream that eating 100% raw will cure what ails me.
It hasn't. 

I think deep down I have given up on the idea so much so that I have stopped trying for more.
I feel better eating raw. Tons better. I feel even better if the raw I eat is organic, but that is not always possible.
I find eating raw easy.
It tastes great. I like the art of it all. 

Playing with the ingredients food feeds the Foodie in whose favorite meal ever was at eaten at The French Laundry.
I keep practicing with each dish so that I can have my food look as good as the food I was served there.

A hobby of sorts.
But playing with my food has done little to serve getting to a place where I see doctors and the hospital emergency rooms less.
Now I am curious to see what kind of balance I can create and have the body I dream of; one that is healthy, functional and attractive.
So far I have been enjoying the play- being in the kitchen with fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, herbs, spices and sea greens. Because the food on my plate always all looked great I thought that hit the healthy part. A functioning body was a side effect I assumed was attaining.
I lost weight and maintained at a weight that looked great for my height:117. 

I had the attractive part down after the first six months of eating raw.
The medications I have had to take this year have altered the way my body looks. The thing that bothers me most about being so much heavier now (again) is that I can see how unhealthy I feel. 

Losing weight is not my main concern. I know eating raw will get me looking the way I was and exercise will get me back in shape.
The thing that eludes me is having a body that functions.
I have never hit a place where my body functioned at it's optimal.

That is my Holy Grail.

I see people going on raw juice fasts or feasts for days on end.

I did the Master Cleanse. I stayed on it for 40 days. If you have not heard of this it is a simple lemonade made of grade b maple syrup, fresh lemon juice and cayenne pepper, all proportioned to water and consumed through the day.
I was pretty proud of myself. I didn't mind that my brain was loopy and I was in a constant mood of irritation because I was loosing weight.
The thing that pissed me off  was what happened after breaking the cleanse.
As soon as I started eating the weight came back in the next month. (I did the Master cleanse before I had a proper allergy test. Turns out I am allergic to peppers and citrus.) 

I mention the Master Cleanse because it's after effect is was what lead me to search the internet for more information. That's when I found out about eating raw.
I think the whole thing about how I eat could use some maturing.
I will start by looking for balance.
My thinking is to juice feast most of the day, have a raw meal in the evening, then a bite of a raw dessert.
When I read this it looks as off balance as the Master cleanse but I think my body could use a little break and let go of  all the Prednizone I have taken this year.
So my first step looking for balance makes me laugh.

the mess of juicing

The photo above is the juice of:

1 medium sized watermelon
6 peaches
3 cucumbers
7 small apples
2 bunches kale


Becci@gonefrutti said...

Hey, cool blog!! I used to think exactly like you and I did the master cleanse for 8 days (omg 40 well done!!) but I put the weight right back on. I found you over at my blog so I'm sure you've read that I've been feasting on smoothies!! I've never eaten so many calories in all my life but am loosing weight.. food is our friend and I've come to the conclusion that we just have to eat a large amount of of one or two fruits at a time to improve ailments, weight and digestion xoxo

kevin georgina grayson simon said...

Thanks Rebecca.xoxo

Anonymous said...

I think I lasted about one day on the master cleanse. I've never really tried juice feasting: too much mess. I do try to include a green smoothie most days. You know I've been experimenting with Bikram Hot Yoga. I'm finding it the best thing ever. I'd really recommend it in conjunction with food you enjoy and that makes you feel good. Not sure what prezidone is but yoga does seem to be healilng ... good luck with whatever you decide to do. Antony x

kevin georgina grayson simon said...

Hi Antony. I love both of you're blogs.I am inspired by your blogging about hot yoga. I look at your post the included the photo of the yoga center every time I visit your blog! I will be adding it as soon as I am well enough to do it. I have done yoga a few times, but never hot yoga.

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