Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I always stay with a cookbook with food porn photos.
Everyday Raw got most of my attention yesterday.
The ideas are simple and the photos ...are just beautiful.

I have two eggplants from my veggie box this week so I will worked on eggplant bacon.

I made eggplant bacon for the first time two weeks ago using a recipe online. It called for a ripe avocado, liquid smoke..etc


Then I came across a recipe that used beet juice...


I'm allergic to soy and peppers so I needed to make some adjustments for this side dish.
I used 1 teaspoon curry powder, chopped sun-dried tomatoes, 1/4 cut olive oil from the sun-dried tomatoes, diced onion, diced garlic for a sort of chutney.
I spooned it on top of the drained eggplant, pressing it into the eggplant right before I dehydrated it.

These really shrunk.
I thought I had visitors in the night who ate the bacon! Two eggplant shrunk down to on third what I thought I would get.

I am still reading Living Cuisine.

Several recipes cook the food in some way.
...raw? Hmmmm....
Maybe in the fall...when it's cooler.
Still working on reading the entire book.
Wish there were photos to accompany the recipes.

Most of the day was spent sewing...

2 Purple Seven Drinks

Mid morning:
1 glass beet juice
1 glass pear cucumber juice
2 glasses beet, apple watermelon juice

1 PranaBar coconut acai (not raw)

More juice

My first try was the recipe from detoxdarling .
Eggplant bacon with beet juice as a finished product is tougher than my first try, more like a jerky. I think the avocado is really missing.
The avocado added a fatty texture to the finished product. (This week none of my avocados seem to be ripening)
I was afraid to use the liquid smoke again because I'm not sure of the ingredients and my allergies.
I also could not use any of the pepper, cayenne or chili paste.
With as much work as I put into today's product-I preferred my first try.
The eggplant had the proper crunch and taste to replaced the light crispy crunch and salty flavor of bacon.

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